Our Service North Star
Your Business
is Your Business
We only work with a select few companies in any category at any given time. We’re here to win for YOU; not enact cookie cutter solutions. We firewall everything between you …and the rest.
Not in Our
We only work with a select number of carriers. You will not see dozens of your competitors under this roof.
Our Job is to Win the Hires of
the Present & the Future
We view our job as to inspire, hire, and retain the best talent.
Your workforce is our focus. For manufacturing, trucking and the next generation of talent.
We understand that operators and recruitment marketers must hire the most talented people without loss of momentum or revenue due to unfilled positions. At INDUSTRIAL Workforce, we’re a recruitment marketing agency focused on addressing the skilled labor gap with a track record of executing innovative campaigns that convert thousands of qualified hires.
We execute on industry and talent at the highest of levels.- 80 million viewers (first year of MFG Day alone on TV)
- Over 200,000 students walking into industries' doors every year
- Over 2,000 hiring events coordinated on the same day, every year since 2013
- Thousands of drivers inspired, hired and retained
- Hundreds of thousands of people hired since 2011
- Presidential proclamation and letter of accommodation from Secretary of Commerce
We work with everyone from leaders of industry, transportation to those attracting the next generation workforce.